Hold Your Company to a Higher Standard: Control Your Online Reputation & Brand with Social Media Management Software and Tools. Click here to know more

December 4, 2020

Is there a way for your company to control online reputations, safely? 

A recent study demonstrated that of job candidates’ social media fielded by employers 23% of applicants shared confidential information from previous employers. Additionally, 39% posted inappropriate content, 38% revealed drinking/drug use, and 30% slighted fellow employees (from past jobs). These are the statistics that make business owners’ skin crawl. And, rightly so! These types of social media interactions can be dangerous and damaging to companies of all shapes and sizes. 

But, given this information, can applicants be turned down based on inappropriate content? Can existing employees post inflammatory posts without consequence? 

If you’re unsure, it may be time to explore online reputation management.

What is Online Reputation Management?

Online reputation management services are designed to help employers safely monitor the social media platforms of employees for harmful posts. Rather than having an internal HR representative laboriously, and potentially illegally scan employees’ social media, consider using a compliant online reputation management service that saves time and protects you from messy legal repercussions.

But, before we show you how online reputation management tools accomplishes this feat, let’s unpack further, what we mean by “messy legal repercussions.”

In 2012, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) was faced with one of the first decisions about whether a company was within its rights in the firing of a BMW salesperson for inappropriate social media posts. Within the same week, the salesperson posted “An embarrassing accident at an adjacent Land Rover dealership, which did not involve fellow employees.” And, the second post by the salesperson mocked the BMW dealership for serving hot dogs at a luxury event. 

Ultimately, the NLRB agreed that while the salesperson could be fired (legally) because of the accident-related post, because the hot dog-related post was a “concerted activity,” it was protected under law. Concerted activity essentially refers to when an employee either calls attention to an employer in the form of a group complaint, or two or three employees present the complaint together. 


You’re not alone. Many companies don’t have time to sift through the compliance laws and stipulations regarding when an employee can be reprimanded/fired for reputation-damaging posts, or not. Nor, successfully determine “concerted activity.” What’s more, how many employers want to risk the headaches of a potential scandal, lawyers’ fees, and even the loss of their company for not understanding the full risks of scanning employee/candidate social media.   

Online reputation management mitigates these high risks by removing an important part of the equation: human bias.

The Safe Way to Elevate and Maintain Your Company’s Integrity

Because our LifeBrand online reputation management software is both U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) compliant and runs on artificial intelligence, your company is protected. AI, unlike human HR representatives simply isn’t capable of discrimination on race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, or citizen/immigration status.

Our unbiased technology has helped countless companies manage their online reputation, performing upwards of 100,000 scans with an average of 33 offensive posts per scan!

To learn more about how to protect and elevate your company’s reputation, Schedule a Demo!